At our hotel, we understand that transportation can be a major concern for travelers, which is why we’re delighted to show you the different transport and transfer solutions available in the area. We want to help guests enjoy a stress-free and comfortable journey to and from the hotel.

There are 3 main options to travel between the different locations you’ll visit in Costa Rica: Private transfer, shared shuttle and car rental.

We can help you arranging both private transfers and shared shuttles at your convenience. Currently, we don’t provide assistance with car rental services.

You can find more details below.


If what you want is to travel with comfort and tranquility, we recommend you book a private transport. A private transfer is the best way to travel when you don’t want to drive but you need to travel to a destination far away, or when you just want to travel at your own hours with privacy.

The driver will pick you up when it suits you and service can be arranged for pick up / drop off to airports or other hotels and it is ideal for families and groups traveling together.

Rates vary depending on the distance, the amount of people and the time. You can book your transfer directly at the front desk of the hotel or prior your visit by emailing us to

From/to Price (Up to 6 people) Approximate duration
SJO Juan Santamaría Airport $206 3 hours
LIR Daniel Oduber Airport $274 3.5 hours
San José downtown $243 3.5 hours
Tamarindo/Conchal/Flamingo $349 3.5 hours
Manuel Antonio $387 5 hours
Jacó $310 4 hours
Papagayo $310 4 hours

IMPORTANT: Prices listed in this table are in US dollars and intend to work as a reference only. Please contact our team in order to get an accurate quote based on your party and dates.


Convenient and easy to book method of transportation. Shared shuttles are ideal for budget-driven trips, with the convenience of being a semi-private shuttle. These shuttles depart daily from and to La Fortuna. They can take you to the airports or to your next destination in a matter of hours.

Shared Shuttles have an established schedule, they also have to pick up guests from other hotels, so you have to plan ahead to use this service. They take a minimum of 2 passengers per shuttle.

Trips to and from the airports can take about 3 hours.
Rates may vary depending on the distance, the amount of people and the departure time. But a good estimate is around $65 per person. You can book your shuttle directly at the front desk of the hotel or prior your visit by emailing us to

From/to Price per person Approximate duration
SJO Juan Santamaría Airport $61 4 hours
LIR Daniel Oduber Airport $61 4.5 hours
San José downtown $61 4.5 hours
Tamarindo/Conchal/Flamingo $61 5 hours
Manuel Antonio $61 6 hours
Jacó $61 5 hours
Papagayo $61 5 hours

IMPORTANT: Shared shuttles are subject to fixed schedules and availability (minimum of 2 people). Prices listed in this table are in US dollars and intend to work as a reference only. Please contact our team in order to get an accurate quote based on your party and dates.


La Fortuna is the closest town to Arenal Manoa. It is located just 7 kilometers (15 minutes) away from the hotel. Downtown you may find a lot of local restaurants, souvenir shops, tourist attractions, supermarkets, banks and ATMs and basic services like clinics or pharmacies.

If you do not have a car, the best way to do a La Fortuna-Hotel trip is by Taxi. You can always ask our front desk staff to call you a taxi.

Average trip varies between $15-$20USD each way depending on where you want to go. We always recommend to check the price before taking a taxi.

Taxi Arenal Manoa Fortuna Costa Rica